Saturday, December 22, 2007

An Apron For Any Occasion

From time to time, prospective future Apronique wearers will comment to us how much they like our aprons, but in their words, "I just don't cook!" Well, we've been saying that whether you are a gourmet diva or take out queen, you can always don your apronique apron. So, now I'm living proof. Today Stella and I had my parents and grandmother over for lunch. For the past three years, we've included this in our normal lineup of Christmas traditions and activities, shortly after my grandmother arrives in town for Christmas. Well amidst the typical business of the season, and my inability to think ahead more, the menu was simply grilled cheese, sliced apples, pretzel sticks, extra Christmas goodies (courtesy of Marilyn), and hot tea. You can see in the picture that my spread was beyond humble. Nevertheless, I proudly wore my apron just because--well even though it was thrown together, wearing the apron somehow made the occasion seem a bit more special. See, it's not that you have to be the world's best and most together hostess or have credentials of Rachel Ray; it's that you make an experience worth remembering in the simplest of ways, even on an otherwise ordinary day.

This Christmas has been different. Usually by now we have a huge spread of elaborately decorated Christmas cookies that are days in the making. We normally make them at the home of my parents, but they have been in the midst of remodeling their house, and that kept us from being able to make them this year. Otherwise, I would have included lots of pictures of our hard and meticulous work. That just leaves more fun for next year when Stella will be able to help a little, if only to be our taste tester.(that is, if I'm willing to pass the baton to her!)

FYI--the apron I'm wearing in the picture is our Cotton Candy sparkle; this one was actually the very first Apronique prototype.

Merry Christmas and happy apron wearing!!


1 comment:

Rachelle Teague said...

I think your little party was such a neat idea. I'm all about visiting with family and friends and having neat little parties, especially at holiday time! I think it is so neat that you were able to put something together like that, even if it was not gourmet food, ect. You looked so cute in your apron, and it just goes to show that you can make any occasion special and that you do not have to be a great cook or cook a huge meal to look trendy and cute in an apron!