Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother Daughter Reception --2009

For this year's annual Mother Daughter Mother's Day event we decided to go with a reception with the theme Portraits of the Bride. Our venue was decorated as a wedding reception. Eighty-five ladies of all ages attended and enjoyed great food catered by our friend, Chae Sheerin. Kristin provided music, and Tiffini Countaway was the speaker. Kristin and Tiffini both ushered us into an atmosphere of reflection on the most important part of our lives--as the bride of Christ, being prepared to meet our bridegroom, Jesus Christ.

Chae, Virginia and Cristal were all decked in the royal bouquet apron, matching the purple theme of the decor.

It was a wonderful girl time, and we look forward to next year.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Purchase An Apron at.... a Bank??

Montgomery Bank is the location of our business account, and a representative asked if we would be interested in setting up an Apronique display in the bank lobby. Each month they promote a local business.

Of course we were! With Mother's Day and bridal showers upcoming, we are hoping that bank customers will present gift boxes with Apronique aprons inside!